Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We had such a FUN holiday weekend with Shane's family! Shane's mom bought a house in St. George so we all met there which is a pretty good mid point for everyone. I think we were the only ones who hadn't made it up to see her house, but it was beautiful and we are so happy for her. We love when everyone gets together! We had 5 out of 6 siblings there which is pretty darn good. Those who have big families know that it isn't always the easiest thing getting everyone together! We had a great time relaxing, shopping, boy time playing sports, swimming, girls night out, celebrating, heart attacking the house for the kids, talking, playing games...you name it, it was action packed! The highlight being my sister in-law having her twin babies (a boy and girl) the morning before we all got into town. It was a surprise because she was only 31 weeks but they are doing pretty good considering how teeny tiny they are!

I love watching the cousins play together!
Disney Yahtzee with Uncle Jason
Fashion Show wearing all of the latest styles...and by latest I mean all of Aunt Jana's Prom dresses from High School.
Celebrating Valentines day. I wish I took more pics of the kids in the morning opening their Valentines! This is River, isn't he ADORABLE he is closest in age to Ty, just a couple months apart. (Ty calls him Riber)

We spent the afternoon at Tylie's favorite place...the park.

Canyon and Bailee! Poor Canyon he is surrounded by girls most of the time, but he doesn't seem to mind!

Mom, Jana and sweet Kellen
Traci and Maddox! Look how amazing this little fighter looks! 7 months old and 3 open heart surgeries later!
Birthday girl
Which one should I pick?!
Party Girls. Bailee, Brea, Zoey, Sahara and Livi.
Opening presents
Tylie and Grandma. Except instead of calling her Grandma she calls her Bulkley.
So the 6 hour drive home took us 8 hours! I guess what can you expect on a holiday weekend? It was worth every minute. Look what we came home to though! Someone loves this little girl! She loved it- was so excited when we walked up and all she could do was shout BAWOONS BAWOONS and a creepy little giggle :)

Now after all that fun, Ty and I are home sick. This is what we've been up to all day! Not so fun! Although, I could get used to this blogging in bed thing!

Stay tuned for more birthday celebrations with my fam. You think they would let her birthday pass by, just because we were out of town? I think not...she is the only grandchild on my side and she is so darn spoiled! Better get well soon!


Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday Ty!!! I can't believe you are 2 already. We miss you! I hope you guys feel better soon!

Bree said...

I can not believe Tylie is already two! That is not possible. It looks like you guys had a great trip. How fun that she has a cousin just a few months apart in age. I love her birthday dress and that decorated door. What a cute idea!

Happy Birthday Tylie!!!

The Wents said...

We loved seeing you guys but are sad you were so sick. Tylie is adorable. My girls talk about her like every day.

PS. What are you talking about with those dresses? They could have came right off New York Fashion week runways!

Anonymous said...

What fun we had. Hope you are all feeling better. Can't believe tylie is really two. I love you guys