Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There is a first time for everything...

Me personally? Not a big fan of the dentist! I hate the smell, the tools the atmosphere! I hate everything about it! Tylie had her first Dentist appointment last week and loved it. Look how cool the pediatric dentist's office was!

The sun was clearly in her eyes but she is so excited to be sporting that Elmo and Princess sticker and she got a ball too. Why can't all doctor offices be like this? Then maybe kids wouldn't mind it so much! It's all about the experience folks!

1 comment:

Bree said...

I am dreading taking Elle to the dentist. Mainly because I feel like if I make her go then I have to make myself go too because I don't want to be a hypocrite. If only we lived in Vtown then I'd go to your guy.I'm glad Tylie did so well. I think they should give adults prizes for coming too. I might go more often if I knew I were walking out with an i-pod or something.