Sunday, May 18, 2008


Grandma and Grandpa took Tylie to her first Dodger game! We all had so much fun and it was nice to all be together as a family. This also happened to be my first day back to work...not so fun! It was a great way to end a very hard first day of work! Thanks guys!
Bri and I met the fam at dodger stadium
right after we got off work. This was
the first time I saw Tylie since that morning.
So good to see her and hold her!!! I might
just have dark circles around my eyes from
crying a good part of the day. It's nice that
Bri works with me, at least she understands
and I can always lean on her!
Jealous of the guy in front of us eating a dodger dog
and all I get is this bottle dad is making?
A nervous look just praying for the Dodgers to win!
Tylie flashing peace signs.
Hanging with the boys.

Tylie at Dodger Stadium

Passed out from all the excitement at the game


Belinda Oborn said...

Thanks for putting that HORRIBLE picture of me from the Dodger Game on your blog for the entire world to see!!!

Erin C said...

Yeah another Dodger fan! She is so cute!!!