Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's New Years Eve and I have a ridiculously miserable cold. I've been in bed all day, but just got a genius idea to catch up on my ever so lacking blog before 2012. So here's my attempt...

Halloween was so fun this year. This is the first year Tylie really REALLY had an opinion on what she was going to be, and there was no changing her mind! Here's how it all played out...

We got BOOED on one Sunday night in October! If you could see the look on Ty's face when she opened the door, you would have thought she won one million dollars...and that's why I LOVE kids so much! It's the little things!
Thank you to our ghost friends, you made our week! Of course we returned the favor by BOOING 3 other friends, which Ty equally enjoyed!
Have to have new spooky Jams in October...our favorite part was turning off all of the lights and watching them glow.
And Tylie was, drum roll please...Rapunzel!!! I know, how original. I'm pretty sure she was one out of 800 million Rapunzels this year! I thought she made a beautiful Rapunzel if I don't say so myself.

And the little one was a puppy dog to go right along with his big blue puppy dog eyes!
So, I saw a Rapunzel pumpkin carve out and I had to try it...3 hours later this little girl was ecstatic about it!

Don't mean to toot my horn but I was pretty ecstatic about it as well.
Looks so cool all lit up!
This little pup hated his hat but posed for a few pics. Smile too? That would be WAY too much to ask for!

Happy First Halloween to our little Ryder Spider!

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