Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gobble Gobble

We celebrated Thanksgiving and everything we're grateful for in Las Vegas this year at Shane's sister's house.We had the best time and loved being surrounded by people we love!

Jana had this really cute idea of letting everyone sign this table cloth, the kids loved it.
Some of the grub

We spent a few days with the Wents/Bulkleys playing games, watching movies, going bowling, lots of laughing, talking, black Friday shopping, going down to the strip and enjoying each other's company!

Tylie might just bowl professionally someday.

Grandma Bulkley <3
Ty enjoying her ice cream
Worlds largest Chocolate fountain
Love these girlies

Our fam bam.
She loves her daddy
All the kiddos
It was so much fun! I feel like I didn't see Ty much that weekend because she is obsessed with her cousins and they all played their little hearts out!
Thanks Jana and Joe for such a fun weekend!

1 comment:

Belinda Oborn said...

I love all these pictures!