We had a fun weekend last weekend camping at Buena Vista with the fam. We met the boys up there Saturday morning, they had left the day before for a little father/sons outing. We ended up staying until Monday afternoon and we are sure glad we did because it ended up being the perfect morning on the lake! We were the only boat out there, just us and pure glass!
I was voted to be the first in the water @ 6:30 in the a.m. doesn't sound like too much fun but it felt amazing once I ws finally out there.
Next was the Hubby...aren't I an amazing photographer?! Getting the jump, the air and the land...or maybe it's just the boy on the board!;)
The brother in the midst of doing a flip...my photographer skills must have gone down hill because all of the other ones I took of him, he wasn't in!
The Pops still has it in him, clearly just jumped the wake.
This was our first time taking t.b. camping...she loved it...I didn't love her getting so dirty right after I would clean her! I have been told to pray for all girls. You can see in this next pic. how amazing the water was.
First driving lesson
Soaking up the sun after a long week of finals.
Tylie loves to splash (trust me when I try and bathe her, she ends up bathing me) and loves to be splashed...in this pic she is being splashed!
Why don't adults look this cute with their bellies hanging out?
If this girl could be in the water all day, clearly she would be!
I love this pic of Ty and Shane. he must be telling her something funny.
All in all, success!
Do what you want, think what you want to think, but yes she does have a bow for every suit. The bigger the bow, the less of a chance of a sunburn. Call me pathetic, I LOVE accessories okay!