Sunday, April 11, 2010

I see London, I see France

This is what we've been up to for the past week! Its been a big success and we are proud parents of this little pantie wearing princess...literally. We found this book Princess Potty, and it has to be the cutest little book ever. It comes with this tiara and jewel stickers so each time she goes, she gets to wear the tiara. If she actually does the deed, she gets a sticker to put on her tiara. She chose to put them right on her potty. Hey whatever works!

I never knew how much you could do in a bathroom! We have read about every book, played every game and sung every song I know, all while sitting on the pot!

On a side note, is anyone else's kids terrified of public restrooms? How in the heck do you get over that? The toilet is so big for their little bums! This is the only time she'll have accidents, and it's not because she won't tell us, it's because she won't sit on a public toilet! I don't like them myself but I've been trying to explain that when a girls gotta go she gotta go!

It been a lot of hard work...ask Ty! She has NEVER just fallen asleep like this. She won't even fall asleep to a movie, but after half a day of potty training this is how I found her.
P.S. Anyone in need of size 4 diapers? We just bought a big box about a week before we decided to potty train! Going once, going twice...


Beckie said...

Congrats on the potty training!! That's such a huge step! When we were potty training my son, he was doing wonderfully until we went to the Freedom Festival parade in Provo and he had to use a port-a-potty! After that (and for a whole year after) that he was pooping his brains when he pooped! That was a hard one to overcome.

Tiffany said...

Chloe is terrified of public toilets, especially the ones that flush by themselves. Someone told me that it helps when they put a sticky note over the sensor so it won't flush while they are on it. It has worked ok, but she still would rather hold it until we get home. Congrats though we didn't get there until after Chloe was 3!

Michelle said...

Ellie wears size 4!

Kort said...

hey chels! my sister kept her lil potty in the back of her car so her kids could go when out in public. they know the toilet and i even heard there are plastic baggies to go inside those toilets for easy clean up! good luck hope that helps! i am glad i have boys for that reason, all i gotta do is lift them up and they dont have to touch a thing!

Chelsea said...

Michelle- you gonna come here and visit me and get them??!!

Michelle said...

I wish I was going to come visit you! We are back in Utah now though. We will be back in California the first week in June.