Monday, November 2, 2009

Shake Your Tail Feathers!


It's not easy being a Peacock but somebody has got to do it!
(She loved that little pumpkin, wanted to carry it with her everywhere. She fell asleep in .2 seconds on the way home with pumpkin still in hand.)


Tiffany said...

She looked so cute! I had forgotten about the peacock costume!

AB said...

Gorgeous!!! I bet she got lots of extra candy.

Cookies and Crumbs said...

She was the cutest little peacock ever! I love that she totally coordinated with her car seat!

Bree said...

That costume is SO cute and she looked adorable in it!

Belinda Oborn said...

Prettiest Peacock I've ever seen!!!

Jen.Steve.Joe said...

So so cute! Congrats on moving in to your own place, I'm sure your parents are missing you guys!

Nicole B. said...

Oh, what a cutie! We just love that girl.

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

Oh my gosh, the cutest cutests costume!!

Erin C said...

are you kidding me?! She is so stinkin cute! I am so sad I missed her trick-or-treating!

TheKeilShpeel said...

I love that costume ;)