Monday, June 16, 2008

The Best Dad's of All

Happy father's day to three of the most amazing men I know! Thank you Shane for being such a wonderful dad to our daughter. This is actually a picture of Shane waiting for Tylie to arrive at the hospital. After being up for more than 24 hours supporting me and being there for me. Here he is still smiling and waiting patiently for our little one to come. He is such a great example to me everyday just by the way he is always so patient and understanding. I am so lucky to be married to someone who is so supportive of me. Tylie loves her dad and is always so smiley and happy whenever he is around. I feel like we are two of the luckiest girls on earth to spend eternity with and be happy with one of the coolest guys we know!! Happy Father's Day babe and thank you for all you do for the both of us. Thanks for taking such good care of us! We love you! XOXO!

Next is my father in-law. Wow he is definitely one of my hero's. Van has been through so much in his life, cancer, broken bones, a variation of sicknesses but still has the happiest disposition on life! He always has a smile on his face and is the most humble person I know. He is an example to everyone he comes in contact with and is so close to his father in heaven! He has 15 grandchildren who he loves more than anything, it is so easy to tell because at family get- togethers he is always at the center of every single one of them. They love him back just as much! Thank you Van for being a great father and grandfather and thank you for raising such an amazing son who strives to be just like his dad everyday! We love you!
Last but not least my dad. What an amazing man! I am so lucky to have Dan the man for my dad! He is the funniest guy I know and I can always look to him to make me laugh. I am so lucky to have a dad who loves and supports me no matter what! When we were younger and would get into trouble instead of being grounded or sending us to our room he would chase us around the house (with a smile might I add) and pin us down and have the dog lick our face, he would call it a "licking" He would say "You better be good or when we get home you'll get a licking!" It was gross but funny! When we were younger my mom worked really early and my dad would have to get us all ready for school. He would even do our hair ( I guess that's where Bri and I get our skills) he would say "It's time to come to Mr. Dan's hair salon" My mom even taught him to do braids, very impressive! He never once missed one of my Volleyball games. I look up to him and strive to raise my family as he does. I love you more than you will ever know dad and want to thank you for everything you do for Shane, Tylie and I! Thanks for being the best grandpappy too! We love you!

1 comment:

Belinda Oborn said...

Ahhhh...we are so blessed with wonderful men in our lives!!!