Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Catch up!

WOW how does time go by so quickly?! I guess life is just really good and really busy at the same time! We are so happy, grateful and excited about a lot of things that our near future hold. Just to name a few...We recently moved and love our new/old little townhouse, and more importantly LOVE the location and love it's convenience! Shane has almost completed his first semester in grad school with a 4.0 (not easy to do with a crazy internship, a crazy two-year old and an expecting just as crazy wife) His dedication and love for his field amaze me and know this is what he was born to do. Not only has he had to juggle these things, which is like having a full time job (an unpaid full time job ;)) he now on top of that has added a job in the mix (a paying job :)). We really feel like this truly is a blessing! He barely has any time to spare but the time he does have, he will be working. Jobs are not easy to come by these days and especially a job that fits perfectly into his schedule. We never thought this would be possible because his program is so rough and they advise you not to have a job while going to school. Obviously they don't know how expensive it is to live in CA! Regardless, I am grateful for such a hard working husband who is willing to do anything to make sure his family is taken care of! Lastly, we are so excited about this baby boy onboard! We are counting down the days...I am 6 months along, 25 weeks and 3 days, about 102 days to go...don't worry I don't have this memorized, I cheated and looked at my sidebar.

Well, now that you don't need a Christmas card from the Bulkley's because clearly you know our life story...it's time to do something I swore I would never do! You know those people that don't update their blogs for months and months on end, and then all of the sudden there is post after post after post?! Come on, i'm not pointing my finger at you or judging, i'm just say'n, we all know "those" people. I like to call it BLOG THROW UP. I promise to not make it a habit, but I have to get caught up so here it goes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad things have come together for you. I know they will keep doing so. I love you guys