Hey yal this is Shane ya that is right i have taken over the blog duties for the day and so you get to see how life is on my side of the fence. I love July 4th. I have so many great memories and none of them are any better then three years ago, when Chels and I got to spend our first 4th of July together. It was so much fun we watched the fireworks on the roof of the house in P.G. Wow, it seems like it was just yesterday. And now this year having the chance to go and watch some more fireworks with Chels and Tylie(even though she doesn't even know what they are, it was still fun holding her and watching her reaction.) I am so lucky to have the greatest wife and daughter. They are so perfect for me and keep me in line. I love them.
So back to the title Happy Birthday America, I have just been thinking a lot about this country and how awesome it is to know that we have the freedoms that we do. With the election coming up I get frustrated with some people and their ideas of where our country needs to go. All I know is that we have to keep praying for our leaders and do everything we can to make sure that we are always thankful for the many many people who have given there lives so that we can be happy and free. Hope you all had a happy 4th.
I was just explaining about July 4th and how it's one of daddy's favorite holidays mainly because he loves America, but also cause that means two things it's almost his birthday, and almost football season.
We were suppose to have a firework in the background but Bri is just not as fast as the fireworks!!!!(Just kidding we love you Bri)
God Bless America, someone said that this would be a million dollar photo, but we are still waiting for the check!!!!
Grandma belle and Tylie belle at the parade
Look at this bow! Wow my mom is crazy sometimes now you all see what I get to look at every single day, and I love it.
Now if this doesn't make you at least smile a little bit then get a life.(I know i am one of those dads, but hey i cant help it.)
This is me running in the marathon on the 4th of July. Ya I know i have been hiding it from everyone but i have been training for the past year and I finally did it. Just kidding you think i would actually be able to smile while running in a marathon it was only a 5k but a marathon in my dream and I will do it.
Copycat Chick-fil-A Chicken Minis
6 days ago
Way to go Shane!!! You are all so cute I miss you tons.
Shane, I'm impressed! Does this qualify you as an official blogger? I know I am only a blog spy!!!
I set it up that ways on project playlist when I set it up.
Looks like you guys had a good 4th.
Way to go shane on the race, that is very ambitious of you even if it wasn't a marathon!
Tylie is so cute!!! Shane feel good about the 5K it is a big accomplishment.
You guys have some serious blog game!! It's like the nicest blog I've ever had the privilege of enjoying. Anyway this is Dave Nygren Shane's Cousin.. We need to get together sometime and get better aquatinted.. Now that we are living so close (Van Nuys). Mabe you can teach me how to jazz up my boring Blog <> anyway take care and lets get together...
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